Monday, July 20, 2009

Plymouth Plantation

Excuse me, "Plimoth Plantation" - seems we have been spelling it wrong for 200+ years including in the teaching of our children. What is that? Their own personal tatoo to say "I'm different" or their loss of humility and that somehow they are better than the rest of us. Albeit, they (or their minions) roam around a wooden fort with thatched roofs as if it were still 1620 and the "indians are at the gates" .... but I digress....this is an educational trip.

The kids enjoyed the trip through time, weaving into and out of huts, mini forts, climbing on canons, and watching the carving of canoes - what a back-breaking job that would be. We've since had a about 15 generations of getting weaker to the point where our kids say it is "too hot" to go outside, let alone work. And, the work thing is not happening until there is something in it for them - like a car, cell phone, etc.

This is an interesting stop, but don't over do it. Furthermore, save your money. It rivals the ticket prices at DisneyWorld. I guess those people in the frumpy uniforms have formed a union and extracted some pretty hefty wages to be put on stage.

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