Monday, July 20, 2009

Plymouth Rock

Has a greater joke ever been played on Americans? A random rock in the middle of a beach is surrounded by an over-sized jail cell and labeled '1620'. I understand the symbolism and all, but countless people trek here each year. I have had the dubious honor of making the trek twice - once as a grade-schooler, and a second time taking my own grade school aged kids. I guess I did not want them to miss out on the fun.
Behind the rock, bobbing in the surf, is a replica of the Mayflower - that ship that hauled the first settlers to this new land that was to become America. Today, if you shed all traces of humility, you could try to join The Mayflower Society honoring the original Pilgrims if you can prove that you are a descendent of one of these fine folks - I will spare you the link to their site.

I confess, we toured the ship nonetheless as we were there and despite my tone of sarcasm, it was an educational trip for the kids.

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